Cervical degenerative disc disease: symptoms and treatment

During treatment an exacerbation of degenerative disc disease passes under the doctor's supervision of compliance with appointments.

Treatment of acute exacerbation of cervical degenerative disc disease

Cervical osteochondrosis

At the time of exacerbation, the doctor recommends to stop playing the sport. Allowed swimming on condition that after the pool the patient warmly dressed

It is important not Supercool. Heat, you should be careful

Active heat (heating pad, warming treatments) will increase the pain. Keep the sore spot was wrapped in a warm scarf.

Soothe the pain position side lying on folded knees. Posture helps to stretch the spine to relax pinched nerves. During exacerbation of not use massage. Gentle stroking used analgesic creams, gels. After manipulation the sore spot is the wrap, let the patient sleep.

During exacerbation of degenerative disc disease lasts 3 – 5 days. Depends on the degree of severity of the disease, the number of patients the vertebrae, the patient's age, adherence to doctor's recommendations. After remission of the pain, should start to move. But gradually, not super cool.

Why the disease is acute

It should be noted that the process of deterioration depends on the stage, it can happen to any of them, from the first to the last. The aggravation of always preceded by a cause. The main list looks like this.

  1. The patient made a sudden movement.
  2. In the cervical area extended to the excessive load.
  3. Happened lifting weights, or long-term displacement.
  4. The patient is under stress or nervous, when.
  5. Not an expert masseuse. Either the technician did not know the patient has degenerative disc disease, because he wasn't warned.
  6. There are sharp fluctuations in weather conditions.
  7. The patient had hypothermia of the whole body or the chill in the neck area.
  8. After bath or sauna the patient plunged into the ice or just cold water.
  9. The age of the patient is significant, to which the intervertebral discs are worn and damaged age wear.
osteochondrosis of the spine

If not treated osteochondrosis, at any stage he may be, the aggravation will certainly happen sooner or later. Symptoms of exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the neck, it is necessary to know and understand the distinguishing characteristics than any other vertebrate ailments.

Symptoms of acute

The brightness of the severity of symptoms depends on the stage of pathology and the extent of its progression.

Their list in the following.

  1. Pain in the parietal area.
  2. To reduce the sensitivity of the skin in the parietal area.
  3. Pain on one side of the neck.
  4. Pain in collarbone and shoulder.
  5. The severity of the language.
  6. Interruptions in breathing, it is not smooth.
  7. Pain in the heart area.
  8. Pain in the right upper quadrant.
  9. Headaches pressure in the eyes of either the one-sided headache only partially.
  10. Crunch, which is heard in the neck area from behind in the implementation of the tilt, nod your head or bend.
  11. Fog in the eyes, spots or points, of hearing and ringing in the ears.
  12. Pain and muscle weakness in the hands, up to wrist.

These symptoms it is hard not to pay attention to, however, there are patients who, even in this situation, not in a hurry to visit doctor and try to help yourself with home remedies


Goals diet osteochondrosis includes:

  • the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • prevention of calcification of the spine;
  • the restoration of the cartilage structure;
  • the strengthening of ligaments, intervertebral discs;
  • reduce overweight and obesity prevention. It is known that excess weight increases the load on the spine and provokes the development of osteoarthritis, and in patients with the disease is often diagnosed with obesity.
pain in the neck

The diet should be selected by the attending physician depending on the presence/absence of comorbidities. One diet in osteochondrosis not.

Based on clinical nutrition of the cervical and lumbar spine degenerative disc disease patients, which is appropriate to normal weight, can be taken Diet No. 15, which contains all the necessary macronutrients, minerals, and increased amount of fat/water soluble vitamins, carbohydrates. The energy value of the diet at the level 2600-2700 kcal (g proteins, 85-90, 90-95 grams of fat and 350-400 g of carbs).

What products should enter the menu:

  • dairy products (whole milk and milk products);
  • vegetables, herbs. Special attention should be paid to cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, celery, beets;
  • fruit and berry dishes, such as jellies and compotes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • low-fat meat;
  • jellied dishes, jellied meat;
  • dark bread, biscuits, muffins;
  • eggs;
  • nuts, seeds, sesame seeds;
  • cereals;
  • seafood (fish, shrimp, seaweed, mussels);
  • non-carbonated water.

Diet diet in osteochondrosis of the spine, should be excluded:

  • fat concentrated broth
  • fatty red meat,
  • refractory animal fats, poultry (duck, goose),
  • coffee and drinks that contain caffeine (strong tea, chocolate).

Limit the consumption of sugary foods and drinks alkogolsoderzhaschih.

Causes and symptoms of aggravation of cervical degenerative disc disease

Osteochondrosis of the spine pathology of the skeletal system. When his violations occur of the intervertebral disc degenerative and dystrophic character. Deviation affect the tissue of the vertebrae, spreading the disease.

  • VBN against the background of cervical degenerative disc disease: treatment
  • Acupuncture osteochondrosis of the cervical

The average age of onset of disease 30 to 35 years. Because of the wrong load on the spine and feet either because of a traumatic deviation can be diagnosed much earlier.

Key features support the development of the disease:

  1. Pain radiating to the arms, shoulders, repeated or constant feeling of tension the back and neck.
  2. The negative dynamics of osteochondrosis is involved in the atrophic phenomena, tissues, muscles, variation in sensitivity, abnormalities of the organs, due to the compression and displacement.
  3. Headache, dizziness, frequent fatigue, discomfort in the hands.
  4. Stiffness, failure of slopes, turns, caused by numbness, discomfort in muscles and joints, spasms, hypotension.
  5. Floaters and spots eyes, in the ears.

Premature treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease can go to the stage, with serious exacerbations. Treatment in this stage should be a doctor.

Causes abnormalities in the spine:

  1. Wrong to get the weight of the spine — socks bags, hand baggage, constantly one shoulder or in the hand.
  2. Curved position to a sitting mode.
  3. Too soft mattress and high pillow to sleep.
  4. Wearing shoes of the wrong anatomical structure, narrow, oppressive, high heels, causing muscle tension and aggravation of diseases of the spine, degenerative disc disease of the cervical part of the.
  5. Low physical activity, excess weight, traumatic back, legs, flat feet.
  6. Aging, decay, because of impaired blood flow to the spine.
  7. Physical fatigue, crisis, neuro-emotional system.
  8. Disturbed metabolism, diseases of stomach, intestines, accompanied by defective absorption of nutrients and minerals.
  9. Dangerous profession, working in places where there is strong vibration.
  10. The presence of a genetic predisposition to cervical degenerative disc disease exacerbations.
  11. Failure to follow the rules of a healthy posture in the period of active growth, scoliosis.
  12. Dehydration for a long time. Irregular, unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins.
  13. Changes in load that occur during pregnancy immature muscular frame.

The aggravation caused by the seasonal effect, a way of life, can take place an unspecified time.


Is the right and comprehensive care, you need to consult a doctor. He amount of effective research to find the cause of the disease. Prescribe medications, massage, medical gymnastics.

During an exacerbation is prescribed the following drugs:

  • painkillers
  • chondroprotectors they are used for a long time and in order to restore the cartilage;
  • muscle relaxants help to eliminate the muscle spasm;
  • nootropic drugs
  • vasodilators
  • Vitamin D

The treatment can be performed, such as home from the hospital. It all depends on how strong the symptoms and what complications. To solve it will only be a specialist. The doctor can send the points, massage and so on. If you do not follow the recommendations of the expert, it will lead to serious consequences.

You need to make your diet milk products, lean meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals, fish

Particular attention should be given food that contains a jelly, it is most often jelly. Olive oil should be consumed in salads

It is best to eat the kind of food that is steamed, boiled and fried. To stop the salty, spicy, fatty, smoked products. It is forbidden to drink strong coffee, tea and dispense carbonated sweet water.

Massage can help eliminate muscle tension and normalize blood flow. But it is necessary, in the period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis do it very carefully, and it is intended to perform only the most professional massage.

If a person has severe pain, he needs to stay in bed. There are cases that the patient does not get up. But it can not last more than three weeks, because the muscles can atrophy. If people feel improvement, you can get up to, but no more than ten minutes a day. All you need to do, so says the doctor, otherwise it can cause serious complications.

massage neck osteohondroz


It is much easier to prevent an aggravation of degenerative disc disease of the breast. And it is able to any person who cares about their health. In order to avoid exacerbation of osteochondrosis, you need to follow the simple rules.

Definitely need to move more, because the pathology occurs in people who sit a lot. Therefore, they occur stasis and impaired blood flow. You need to regularly go Hiking and go to the gym. This will help prevent the aggravation of thoracic degenerative disc disease.

No need to sit in drafts, because the spine can be cleared. Suffering and the thoracic, and the lumbar spine. It is highly recommended to dress warmly in the winter, this also affects the human health. Possibly should not be cold, if you don't want to hurt you.

When you have extra weight, you need to get rid of obesity. The task is not always as easy as we would like people. You need to sit the diet and visit the gym. No need to choose fatty foods and passive way of life, while sacrificing their health.

It is worth noting that it is very important to sleep. We talk about what we need to buy mattress and pillow

They help to keep the spine and neck in the correct mode during sleep. As you know, due to mismatched bedding often occur in problems in vertebrae. So no need to save money on residential properties, and then health will become much better.

The people themselves can change it, that frustration does not occur. For this you need to follow the simple advice, and don't forget about your health. Also, it is necessary to complete a full course of treatment of the disease, that the future need not suffer severe pain.